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Success stories demonstrate how the products from fire science research or other JFSP-funded activities are being implemented by the fire and/or fuels management community. They are about the application of scientific understanding or use of…

You are encouraged to gather your information and nominate some very deserving individuals for these prestigious awards! The recipient does not need to be an IAWF member to receive an award. Awards will be presented at one of our upcoming IAWF…

The National Fallen Firefighters Foundation is looking for your input to help guide the development of Everyone Goes Home - Wildfire. This national collaborative effort will be focused on creating a safety culture and increasing understanding of…

The Alaska Fire Research Needs List is a prioritized list of fire research topics that has been produced by the Fire Research Development and Application Committee (FRDAC) since 2003. The current list was updated in August 2017. Its purpose is to…

Congratulations to this year's recipients!

Each year since 2007, the International Association of Wildland Fire (IAWF) has awarded two graduate-level scholarships valued at $3,000 USD to Master of Science (M.Sc.) or Ph.D. students studying…

Some users of LANDFIRE data say it is pretty good and is a great starting place, while other users say it needs improvement. The newly developed and released LANDFIRE data product review website ( is structured to…

Nominations are now open for new members of the International Association of Wildland Fires' (IAWF) Board of Directors. Nominations will be accepted through September 30, 2017 and successful candidates will begin their 3-year term on January 1,…

Fires are increasing in frequency, size and intensity partly due to climate change and land management practices, yet there is limited knowledge of the impacts of smoke emissions - both short term and long term. EPA is using its expertise in air…

The good folks at Avenza maps are asking for feedback on their app. Is there something that you love about it? Is there something you wish you could change? Do you wish that it could accomplish something that it can't currently do? Send your…

Congratulations to the 2017 IAWF Award Recipients. The Wildland Fire Safety Award was presented at the Safety Summit in Barcelona, Spain earlier this year. The remaining awards will be presented at a special event in Boise, ID later this year.…

The Joint Fire Science Program (JFSP), in partnership with the Association for Fire Ecology, offers Graduate Research Innovation (GRIN) awards yearly to a handful of top-quality graduate students conducting research in fire science. GRIN awards…

Urgent! New Deadline for USFS employees. Travel requests for Fire Congress need to be submitted to Meetings Management by June 19.

The 7th International Fire Ecology and Management Congress in Orlando, Florida is five months away, but now…

The goal of this survey is to better understand how wildfire practitioners across the Western United States are implementing the National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy. Your responses will be used to provide guidance to the Western…

Click here for a list of JFSP funded projects.


Fires of Change & Landscapes of Life & Death at 516 ARTS,  516 Central Ave SW
Albuquerque. Download a brochure for more  events here.

3:30pm: Talk with Artists & Scientists

FEMA is pleased to announce that the application period for the 2017 Individual and Community Preparedness Awards is now open. The awards highlight innovative local practices and achievements by honoring individuals, organizations, and…

You are invited to participate in the continuing evaluation of the Joint Fire Science Program's Fire Science Exchange Network. This web-based survey focuses on the communication and application of fire science research results and resources.…

Participate in a national assessment being conducted by Cooperative Extension staff to assist in determining what new types of prescribed fire materials and programs, if any, will help you in your education and outreach efforts. Results will…

Challenge Summary:

Federal, state, local, and tribal agencies are interested in new ways to monitor air quality during fire events to better protect public health. Air quality managers and public health officials have limited access to…

The Fire Effects Information System (FEIS) is looking for ways to improve their system and associated products to better serve their clients, and they would appreciate your feedback to accomplish this goal. Due to the requirements of the Paper…

FEIS ecologists write syntheses about fire effects on individual species and about fire regimes in the United States to help managers, planners, and scientists find, read, and use the best available science. During their recent webinar…

Data contributions are being sought for a Joint Fire Sciences Program project examining tree mortality due to wildland fire in the U.S. We are interested in U.S. datasets that at minimum include year of fire, county, state, and individual tree…

Too often, the wildland fire community talks only about the lessons learned from mistakes rather than those learned from successes- so we'd like to focus on success!

If you were directly involved with or observed a fire during which…

In the world of wildfire prevention, there is no greater honor than to receive a Smokey Bear award, especially the national Gold Smokey award. These special awards are reserved for people or organizations that provide sustained, outstanding…

The Nature Conservancy is pleased to solicit applications for the NatureNet Science Fellows program, a trans-disciplinary postdoctoral fellowship program aimed at bridging academic excellence and conservation practice to mitigate and adapt to…